Our car has been strange head-light malfunction few times when we drived it in the dark. First i did think, that was some transient problem, but not it isn´t.
When main light switched on (our Twingo´s main light works manually), sometimes low beams bog down and high beams not working! This happened specially after that, if you use signal turn right. Even light on/park/off rotary switch muted...This failure goes away, if you stop the car and shut down main power and start car again. Then everything works again normal.
Today i did call our local dealer/repair and new light/signal turn switch was ordered from the factory.
He says, that is known problem Renault/Dacia cars.

I have had the Same Problem in the past, but only one time.
After stopping and starting the car manually with the key it works normally.
I ask my dealer for that, but he can not find any problem. -
I have had the Same Problem in the past, but only one time.
After stopping and starting the car manually with the key it works normally.
I ask my dealer for that, but he can not find any problem.Okay. You have completely same problem and your dealer opinion was, nothing wrong...
My dealer tells, that Renault and Dacia´s light/signal switch problem is well-known issue, and he tells too, that can causes a wide range of strange phenomenas.
Turn signal probs, low beam probs, high beam probs etc.
He also suspect, that the Twingo does not a old style light-relays. Light/signal switch guides directly control box, or something. Broken light/turn-switch or some kind malfunction in there can messed that box and control gets stuck.
I dont know, is that true, but about that kind he says.We have in here northern dark winter-season, dark at 15.30 pm to -9.00 a.m. Light problems are very bothersomes.
When new switch has been installed, i tell you if it helps. -
Yes I had the problem just like this!! Turn the ignition off and on.. thats it.
Problems with the light-switch are indeed known from Renault and Dacia. Replacing the switch sounds like a good idea for me. Please report the result.
also mein englisch ist echt nicht der Renner(Schande über mein Haupt) glaub der braucht ein neuen Lichtschalter, Problem ist bekannt.
Please report the result.
Of course, i will report! Switch ordered today but i think replace will go after christmas, even after new year. My dealer ring to me, when switch arrives. After that we agreed time to fix. It is reportedly quick to change. Then i will run sometime, so i can see if it helps.
And Marco, don´t worry. I was poor english when i was school, and nowadays too, but as you see, we understand in here well together. Keep it simple and its easy! When you print german language, i try get clear used to help google-translator. This is your forum and german is this forum main language. In here Finland, Twingo3 enthusiast do not have much, and its great to be in here and share experiences!!
Hello and greetz to Finnland.
Welcome at our forum.Your problems sounds like there is a problem with the switch you and all the others already mentioned.
In my opinion the whole electrical system at the T3 isn't optimal designed. I have always the problem with switching the headlights between bright and a little bit darker. I guess this results by a bad control of the generator.
Keep us informed!
Hello and greetz to Finnland.
Welcome at our forum.Your problems sounds like there is a problem with the switch you and all the others already mentioned.
In my opinion the whole electrical system at the T3 isn't optimal designed. I have always the problem with switching the headlights between bright and a little bit darker. I guess this results by a bad control of the generator.
Keep us informed!
Vielen dank! Are you ignored, that the Twingo´s battery charging system is controlled by "smart technology". This mean,that battery is not charged continously, only if necessary and drive conditions may be affected charging. Charging is intented to concentrate engine braking etc. This causes, that charging voltage varies sometimes.This is shown to be user lights between brightering, heater fan enlarge revs etc.... This is normal many present cars. This is a result of emission reductions.
I have had many cars like this system, don´t be worry. -
I´m sorry, that i have not written, how light switch replace finally working. The reason is: i don´t know... Soon after light-problem, our Twingo began to keep strange noise from the "engine room" starting from cold. Our dealer doubted, that noise sounds kind of clutch would have been somekind damaged.
My wife had enough. (Whole motor replaced earlier in the autumn, reason was disputable oil circulation problem). Too many problems almost new car. My wife was already changing car brand, but our Renault-dealer talked my wife about around. Besides our Captur has served very well... They did good deal where our dealer take our Twingo´s back and it replaced by brand-new Clio IV. Of course we had to pay some money, but conclusion after council was very reasonable.
We really liked Twingo, it was refreshing little city-car who got a smile, but unfortynately we were not satisfied to quality.So...I wish to you happy spring. This morning here was -23 degrees frost, grrrr. Both cars, Captur and Clio started this morning well and works without problems....after 2 hours Calix-preheating, of course.